Earn Money Unlimited 

               You've seen many videos in online about online income before.  Today we have brought you an app that can help you earn money.  I will show you a screenshot of the that, this is not a fake app.  This is a very easy and straightforward way to earn money. You can earn as much as you want in a day.  Many people know about this or maybe many do not. This app is very familiar.  Download from the Play Store on the app,I will give you link.

>U Speak We Pay-https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.voiceitbase.audiorecorder18

How to Use:
                   First of all  download and open the app.  After opening you will need your Paytm number.  No charges will be required to add the number in which your Paytm account is open.  you can select where you want to do this.  You can select any of your languages ​​by going to settings and see which language is in the options.  The task is to spell the text what will appear on the display, Using the microphone option.  If you are right, you will get 15 paise for each.  And if you speak Bengali language you will get 25 paise.  If you earn 25 rupees that will automatically be paid to your Paytm number  within 24 hours.  In This way you can earn money.